There are many e-mail scams out there. There are generally two types, one to get personal information from you that can be used later to take money from you, and the second is one designed to infect your system with a virus and then pass it along.
The first is called Phishing and its goal is to get personal information about you, specifically banking or credit information. Below are details of the Citibank e-mail (not really from Citibank), that asks for account information and several others that you should be aware of.
Beware of any email asking for information about you or you accounts.Variations of this are sent from what appear to be eBay, Amazon, Fleet, and other companies that may have information about you.
The other is designed to infect your computer with a virus and then "pass" the message along.
Citi Bank e-mail Scam
One e-mail scam that has been out for some time is a bogus e-mail claiming to be from CITI Bank. It looks authentic, but is really a trap to get you bank account information. This type of activity to get your account information is called "pfhishing". The scam message along with some others are below:
When you click on the link, you are sent to a web site that does not belong to Citi Bank, but rather to the con-artists. When you enter your bank account information they can then directly access your account.
If you are ever in doubt, about information relating to any of your accounts (Checking, Credit Cards, Brokerage, etc, etc...) call the company and see if it is valid.
Another fake Citibank e-mail
Below are similar "scams" claiming to be from Fleet, Suntrust, USBank, Wells Fargo, and Commerce financial institutions.
These are all pfhishing, trying to get your account number... DO NOT REPLY TO THESE... if in doubt call you financial institution.